Revelation Portfolio is an investment firm investing in growth-oriented companies with sustainable business models backed by strong management capabilities. As investment managers, our primary goal is to generate long term capital appreciation by investing in stocks.

Revelation Portfolio was co-founded by Dr. Haresh B. Shah, Dhananjay C. Jhaveri, Sandeep P. Shah and Manish B. Shah. They have a combined investing experience of 152 years, primarily in the secondary capital markets industry.

Revelation Portfolio Management Pvt. Ltd. is a SEBI registered Portfolio Management Services (PMS) provider (vide registration number INP000004003)


Dr. Haresh B. Shah

(B. Com, LLB, Chartered Accountant, PhD in Mergers & Acquisitions)

Dr. Haresh B. Shah is the Chairman of the Company. He is a Chartered Accountant and is PhD in Mergers and Acquisitions. He has handled a huge number of Mergers & Acquisitions. He has also been involved in management and financial structuring consultancy. During his 43 years of experience in various fields, he has been involved with practically each and every industry in India, thus he has in-depth knowledge of many industries. He has the ability to lead the company into achieving its goals.

Mr. Dhananjay C. Jhaveri

(B. Com, Chartered Accountant)

Mr. Dhananjay C. Jhaveri is a Chartered Accountant. He has an experience of more than 43 years in managing the business of Bullion and Precious Metals, one of the leading in the field. He has a vast experience of managing financial investments including equities. He has been managing Investment Co. for the last 23 years.

Mr. Sandeep P. Shah

(B. Com)

Mr. Sandeep P. Shah is a third generation Share & Stock Broker. He has more than 31 years of experience in Share Broking. He is responsible for setting up and running a very successful share Broking Company which gives services in many fields of Investment. He deals with a large number of clients for their Investment related activities. He regularly interacts with Retail Clients, High Networth Individuals, Corporates, Banks, and Foreign Institutions

Mr. Manish B. Shah

(Chartered Accountant)

Mr. Manish Shah is a Chartered Accountant and has 35 years of investing experience in the Capital Markets. During this time, he has worked in various areas of capital markets. He has been a Sub-Broker, Institutional Dealer for Banks, Financial Institutions, Mutual Funds and Foreign Institutions. He has also served a number of corporate clients and High Networth Individuals. He has a good experience of Fundamental Research for equities and Technical Analysis. He has been the Fund Manager and managing portfolios of clients since the year 2011.


CKYC video for customer awareness


Revelation Portfolio Management Pvt Ltd
302, Dalamal Tower,
211, Free Press Journal Marg,
Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400 021
  • +91 22 22840094
SEBI Registration No. INP000004003